Support Center Tutorial Videos

Looking for more help? Navigate through our tutorial videos for insights into creating categories, consignor accounts, entering inventory, adding fees, and deploying discount schemes.

Rose How-to Videos

The Consignor Portal

Learn how to create items and print labels

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Paying Out Consignors

Learn how to pay out and adjust consignor accounts

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Creating Contracts (Consignors)

Learn how to create consignor accounts and change sales split percentages (when different from default split)

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Creating Take-In Inventory?

Learn how to create inventory via the Take-In Screen

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Tracking Non-Inventoried Sales

Learn how to setup the point of sale for non-inventoried items from Square POS. (Items not inventoried in Rose but sold at the POS)

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Item Fees & Taxes

Learn how to setup item fees & Square taxes

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Dymo 450 Setup

Learn how to install the Dymo Labelwriter Printer

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Editing and Posting Sales Batches

Learn how to edit and post Square sales batches

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Creating a Take-Out

Learn how to remove selling inventory - donations and returns

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Editing Inventory

Learn how to edit inventory, fix mistakes, and reprint labels

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User Administration

Learn how to create users (staff) and assign restrictions in Rose

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Learn how to create a discount scheme in Rose

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